Thursday, February 23, 2012

Office recap and a few of my favorite things!

I did it! I knocked off every office goal on my list yesterday! My husband even went through every thing in his pile. (Thanks baby!) Wish I had taken before pictures! Here is the after...

You can actually see the floor!!!

A spot for each kiddo's school work.
Cut down on the books... again! At least they all fit in the basket. I did box some up to save for my Grand babies!! :)

Ordered my CD boxes and I got a waste basket!

A few of my favorite things!!

#1. The office! It is clean and organized. It is such a satisfying feeling to complete a project!

#2 Thankful that I can be here for my sick little kiddos, Maddie was home Thursday- Wednesday. She went back today and now I have Conner home. Thankful to be a stay at home mom.

#3. Signs of Spring!!! A few robins were in my yard this morning! The pussy willow tree up the road is in bloom! Spring is on it's way and I'm ready!!

#4. I'm a sky watcher. When the sun goes down, the mountainside behind my house is breathtaking.

I love the rosy glow and the way the trees become illuminated.

#5. Basketball. Conner has had a great season. He has improved so much. I'm also thankful this is the last week!! I'm ready for a lull before spring sports start.

Think Spring!!! ~Shelby

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