An elf paid a visit to the Johnson household yesterday! He brought the kids Christmas tree glow sticks.

Some may think my kids are a little old for such a thing. I say we try and keep em as young as we can as long as we can. Having preteens scares me a little. Not gonna lie it scares me a lot. Our kiddos who are still so young and immature are thrown in to a world that is growing up to fast, a world full of horrible messages, new friends that you know nothing about and so many opportunities to make bad choices. Add raging hormones to the mix and and I'm now terrified!
I am feeling like we need to start fostering more family fun, more traditions, less TV time and more together time. It's hard as kids get older to find the everyday fun. TV was our stand by. I think a sense of family is so crucial as our kids get older. I think our kids need to have that sense of belonging, that anchor to who they are and where they came from. With out this it is easy for them get lost, they find it harder to handle that overwhelming feeling of too many expectations, stress and peer pressure.
For the record.. I would not go back to that age forr anything in the world... especially in the world today.
We are going to fit in more together time at our house. More reminders of who we are and what our life means. We are going to keep reminding them to be little and not grow up to fast. Friday I will fill in how we spent time together, this will hold me accountable to find new ways to be together and to actually make it happen.
Tonight we are making pizza, then cookies, followed by watching the new Gold Rush Alaska episode. I can hardly wait!
Have a great weekend!!! ~S
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