Every Thursday I will write 5 things I'm thankful for... big, small and in between.
Gratitude can change your life. I believe we get what we think about and talk about. That our thoughts can change our life... for the better or for the worse. Just like this quote says....

So true!!! I have vowed to see the good, to look for the good and to focus on the good. There is no better way to change your life than to stop complaining and simply appreciate what you have right in front of you. It isn't always easy because sometimes life stinks, but I promise myself to not get caught up in the stink and find something to smile about.
So here are the things that make me smile for this Thursday.
#1. My so sweet husband. This morning he left me this...
I have been finding these sweet little notes on the bathroom counter for a few weeks now. He makes me feel special. He is my rock and I wouldn't want to this crazy life with out him.
#2. Yes this is one of those little things, but he makes me smile every time I see him...
I love my cow creamer all dressed up for Christmas. A red ribbon, a tiny bell, 3 miniature red pom poms and some green felt and he is ready for
the holidays!
#4. Deer in my yard. We have lived here for over two years and it still makes me happy. I hope it always does. I hope I never take for granted hearing the owls as I lie in bed at night, or getting to do dishes while watching a buck have dinner outside my window. There is something so quite and peaceful about looking out your window and seeing them grazing in the yard. It reminds me we live someplace special, that we get to live in their world.
#5. My kids having fun together. It makes me so happy to listen to my kids getting along. Conner and Maddie drew Christmas Villages on banner paper that I got at Walmart last year.
I'm so thankful I decide to stop, make a hot cup of cider grab a Christmas book and sit and enjoy this moment. I think we all need to do more of of that, especially this time of year. Stop and just enjoy the season and the little joys. My dishes probably sat in the sink that night.... but that will quickly be forgotten. The joy of sitting and listening to my kids giggle and share, that I will always remember. Maybe not that actual moment but the feeling of that moment will stay with me.
Stop rushing and doing this week and just enjoy being in the moment.
Happy Thursday! ~S
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